Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Law of Business Organizations (West Legal Studies Series) [Hardcover]

This text is the most definitive guide to the law of business organizations that exist today. This practical, how-to approach makes it a very effective training tool for paralegals and a valuable Desk Reference, they can use later in practice. In many forms of Internet resources, sample clauses and substantive explanations for the use of these tools in the practice of business organizations law to give students insights they need to thoroughly understand and retain material. This text has been the primary source for paralegal training for more than 30 years, and this new sixth edition has been expanded and improved, with most of the laws and resources.

I really enjoyed this textbook company law. Very readable and easy to understand with simple examples to help you remember the definitions and concepts. I had to buy textbooks for other paralegal classes that were so poorly written that the teacher never even called them, what a waste of money! Not so with this book! I plan on keeping it on my shelf long after my business class is finished!

Business Associations, Cases and Materials on Agency, Partnerships, and Corporations (University Casebook) Hardcover

The previous edition of this concise, up-to-date Casebook has been adopted at over 100 law schools, maintaining the seventh edition the authors tradition of giving a comprehensive picture of the agency, partnership and company law. It also continues to illustrate the six basic editorial principles: Be lean but not mean cases edited mercilessly in order to produce a readable and concise results. Facts matter, so they are included in all their potential ambiguity. Bring a planner perspectives to the table by the extensive use of transactionally-oriented problems.